The Bible is clear that each person is to give as they decide in their own heart to give (2 Cor. 9:7). Giving should never originate from of a sense of duty, guilt, or manipulation … or to maintain a religious system. We believe that each person should have the opportunity to receive freely and to then give as they purpose in their heart.
Since the very beginnings of HGM, God has called people to give so others can be blessed. We are grateful to those who have partnered financially with HGM over the years. These sacrificial gifts have made it possible for many individuals to be healed and set free. We encourage you to prayerfully consider supporting Healing Grace Ministries on a weekly, monthly or annual basis.
As you may have noticed when coming to Healing Grace, no offering plate is handed in front of you during our services. We believe the Gospel is to be offered free of charge. For this reason, we don't have a specific time in our meetings where we focus on giving. Instead, we leave a basket at the front of the sanctuary and allow worshipers to give as they are led by Holy Spirit. We understand that a greater number of people may give if we used conventional methods -- but we believe those methods have often motivated people to give for the wrong reasons. And when people give for the wrong reasons, we run the risk of building man’s ideas instead of God’s design for the church.
Online giving will be easier than ever with our switch to a new online giving processor! This will allow us to save money with lower processing fees and no monthly subscription fees. We are grateful for your continued support and partnership in ministry!
If you have any questions about the new portal or need help navigating things, please reach out at and we'll be in touch to walk you through the process.
Healing Grace Ministries
Now located in Vermont Marketplace!
580 Canal St.
Brattleboro, Vermont, 05301
Copyright © 2019 Healing Grace Ministries - All Rights Reserved.